Ab Wipers

These suckers are fun dynamic way to work your core. I say suckers because they are tough but highly effective. I use 15 lb plates on a 35 lb barbell for a total of 65 lbs. You want just enough weight so that when you press it up it takes some shoulder stability to hang onto.


How to do it:

Starting on your back with the barbell rolled over you at hip level, raise the barbell with your hips creating a bridge. Then press bar straight above you at eye level with elbows locked out and shoulders squeezed together.

Lift head, neck and shoulders slightly to engage upper abdominals

Straighten and tighten your legs together, point your toes and start at the left end of the barbell.

Using control on the way down bring your feet to lightly tap the ground and lift your legs up to meet the right side of the barbell. HINT: You are making an imaginary V with your straight legs.

Starting at the left, tapping down, and bring feet up right then re-trace your pattern until you are all the way back left again– This is one repetition


The barbell demands more stability because the weights are on either side, however you can do this same controlled movement holding your baby or puppy straight up in the air as well. Just make sure you swing the legs wide enough on either end.

Burn Baby, Burn! Barbell Rollouts

I spend four days a week lifting heavy. So when I get a day off from lifting, I like to do body weight movements, core, and running work. This movement is one of my favorites! It requires stabilization as well as control of movement. It is a bit more advanced so if you’ve been doing a lot of sit ups and planks this is a nice next step up in difficulty. Burn baby, burn!

Action Steps:

1) Take your time on these. Check in with yourself to see if you feel your core, glutes, arms and thighs engaged.

2) Try to keep the wrists as straight as you can.

3) Set the shoulders so they don’t get pulled out of joint. Imagine you are pinching a pencil vertically between your shoulder blades setting them up, back and down.

4) Try and keep hips parallel to the floor. Hips open!

Location: CrossFit Humanity