Practicing Compassion in Your Fitness Community

working on her flexibility

working on her flexibility

I learned this from lesson from my mom. She taught all kinds of aerobics classes when I was growing up and always knew everyone’s stories. She loves people’s stories: The tragedies they’ve endured, the mountains they’ve conquered and the struggles they’ve had to create healthier lifestyles.

She encouraged women in their twenties through their seventies and they loved her not because she herself was a picture perfect athlete (although she has always been athletic) but because she normalized the concept of healthy lifestyle and cared about them. As a kid, I remember rolling my eyes in impatience because we’d get to her gym and she would talk for an hour with different members who came up to chat with her. I used to get so tired of waiting for her. My dad always complained about her seemingly “useless” chatter at her YMCA community. She should have been home earlier for dinner and not “wasted” so much time talking at the gym. Now that I’m an adult, I now see the power and meaning behind her “chats.” She inspired other people from her own commitment to her health and fitness (a leader by example) and provided a safe place, free of judgement for those returning from a hiatus recommitting to their own health.

Last leg of her triathlon

Last leg of her triathlon

In my own role as coach, I’ve seen members come and go, and a rare few who come back again. The ones who return are the ones I look up to and hold in the highest regard. I think the hardest thing to do psychologically, is to know you used to be in better shape than you are and decide to do something about it by returning to your gym to re-start that climb. Even harder is to return to a gym that is a tight knit community of friends because they know your dirty little secret: You’ve been out in the world living and for a multitude of reasons and may have struggled with making your own health a priority. If you have left and then returned, I have the utmost respect for you. You should not feel anxiety or judgment. On the contrary, be proud, be kind to yourself, and keep going.


Action Steps:

1. Fitness is a lifetime commitment with ebbs and flows due to life circumstances. If you haven’t experienced this it is highly likely you will in your lifetime.

2. If you are a gym regular, remember this struggle and identify with it. Reach out and show some love to those you know are struggling.

2. An act of compassion is simple: Show up and listen.


Ab Wipers

These suckers are fun dynamic way to work your core. I say suckers because they are tough but highly effective. I use 15 lb plates on a 35 lb barbell for a total of 65 lbs. You want just enough weight so that when you press it up it takes some shoulder stability to hang onto.


How to do it:

Starting on your back with the barbell rolled over you at hip level, raise the barbell with your hips creating a bridge. Then press bar straight above you at eye level with elbows locked out and shoulders squeezed together.

Lift head, neck and shoulders slightly to engage upper abdominals

Straighten and tighten your legs together, point your toes and start at the left end of the barbell.

Using control on the way down bring your feet to lightly tap the ground and lift your legs up to meet the right side of the barbell. HINT: You are making an imaginary V with your straight legs.

Starting at the left, tapping down, and bring feet up right then re-trace your pattern until you are all the way back left again– This is one repetition


The barbell demands more stability because the weights are on either side, however you can do this same controlled movement holding your baby or puppy straight up in the air as well. Just make sure you swing the legs wide enough on either end.

The Value of Rest Days

puppy in gymnast rings

Listen to your body

You can see it on the faces of women at your gym: Mentally and physically exhausted but slogging through a workout at half speed and intensity. Perhaps you’ve been there too. Maybe it was the only way to have some release from the stresses of life but what if you or someone you know is pushing themselves into the red zone weekly or even daily?

It’s taken me a long time to adopt the idea of exercise as being good to my body and not punishing it because I see it as heavy, ugly or it makes me you uncomfortable. A big part of honoring your body and all wonderful ways it performs is to not skimp on the rest it needs.

I like weight lifting but since it is not a restorative sport I need my rest. When I started training in power lifting I still wanted to CrossFit 5 days a week like I had been. I learned after just one day of CrossFit and no rest day in between I was operating on 75% of the strength I could recruit from a well-rested body. The percentage would decline from there for each day I over trained and got frustrated as to why I wasn’t making bigger gains.

sloth wrapped in banner

Rest Does a Body Good

It has taken me 30 years to start prioritizing my rest as much as my exercise and tuning into my body. When I start to feel mentally and physically drained I am always on the brink of crying as I feel overly sensitive. I used to show up for class, my coach would correct my form and I’d almost burst into tears I felt so judged. I finally realized this feeling means I’m in the red zone. Now when I’m at my office job feeling tired I picture my coach critiquing my form and imagine myself at the gym. Do I want to start crying or am I cool with the feedback? I know it sounds silly but it totally is how I can assess if I really need a rest day or two or sometimes three.

Action Steps:

1) Start listening to your body. If you’re feeling drained, overly tight, irritable or emotionally just not like yourself take a day off and do something good for your soul: Comfort tea, reading, going to dinner with a friend are a few things I like.

2) A rest day doesn’t mean you must be inactive, it means you are taking a full day off your sport. So if you’re a runner you are not running on your rest day. If I’ve been lifting heavy during my training an active rest day looks like swimming, walking or jogging the beach, mobilizing or yoga.

3) You’ll be amazed at the increase in your performance when you return from a day or two off. Sometimes extra sleep, hydration with light mobility or flexibility is what your body is calling for. You just have to honor it.

Burn Baby, Burn! Barbell Rollouts

I spend four days a week lifting heavy. So when I get a day off from lifting, I like to do body weight movements, core, and running work. This movement is one of my favorites! It requires stabilization as well as control of movement. It is a bit more advanced so if you’ve been doing a lot of sit ups and planks this is a nice next step up in difficulty. Burn baby, burn!

Action Steps:

1) Take your time on these. Check in with yourself to see if you feel your core, glutes, arms and thighs engaged.

2) Try to keep the wrists as straight as you can.

3) Set the shoulders so they don’t get pulled out of joint. Imagine you are pinching a pencil vertically between your shoulder blades setting them up, back and down.

4) Try and keep hips parallel to the floor. Hips open!

Location: CrossFit Humanity

Strengthen your Posterior Anywhere: Chinese Arches

Prior getting into strength training, accessory work was actually the only kind of strength work I did at my 24 Hour Fitness gym. It was an easy way for me to become aware of my body and how to work different muscle groups without much equipment. I always enjoy learning new effective accessory movements so I wanted to share one with you. This movement is also a great one for new moms who can do it anywhere using your child instead of a weight plate and any two even flat surfaces that can support your weight.

The three main lifts I currently train are the back squat, bench press, and deadlift. However, to continue to train the main muscles I use there is also programmed accessory work I follow. The purpose of accessory work is to complement the primary movement. I did these after heavy squats. The Chinese arch is a static movement that brings blood flow back to the low back and works on strengthening your posterior chain and core. It’s really simple and very effective.


chinese arch


What you need:

2 benches or same height flat surfaces

1 weight plate between 15-35 lbs


How to do the movement:

Suspend your body between the two benches with shoulders placed on one and ankles on the other

Gently place weight plate on your hip crease

Tighten glutes and core to raise hips to so body is completely flat

Hold static for 1 minute

Complete  3-5 sets, holding for 1 minute each






Healthy Plane Travel (Part 1)

It saddens me that it takes so much planning to keep a travel day a healthy day. Nothing puts me in a worse mood than not having healthy options and being forced to pay for a $20 salad made of iceberg lettuce, croutons and strips of processed lunchmeat.

Here are some essentials I never get on a plane without:

My own water bottle–Chug one on your way to the airport, bring it through security empty and refill before you get on the plane.

Unsalted cashews and if I need a little more pizzazz in my life I love the sea salt and vinegar almonds from Sprouts.

My favorite chocolate nut mix from Trader Joes in case I am tempted by junky airport/airplane food called Happy Trekking: Almonds, cashews, pistachios, chocolate, cranberries, cherries.

Satisfies any and all chocolate cravings

Satisfies any and all chocolate cravings

I also like to pack a sandwich. Note: I don’t usually eat sandwiches unless I’m traveling. I like the neatness of eating half a sandwich on the plane and having the option for eating the other half later. I also don’t mind eating a sandwich at room temperature. Don’t use tomato or veggies that squish easily and contain a lot of water.

What if it’s just too hard to be Penny Perfect Planner the day before traveling? You’re screwed. Nah, just kidding!

Here are food/drink items I’ll buy in an airport in a pinch:

A protein style burger wrapped in lettuce—mustard, yes. Mayo, no. Easy on the ketchup if you must. Load up on the veggies.

Water- Not the giant bottle that won’t fit in your bag but a mid sized bottle you can refill multiple times. Try and chug as your standing by the water fountain to refill. Chug half, refill, repeat.

Coffee- Black. Avoid the new Starbucks coconut milk it’s not REAL coconut milk. All kinds of nasty stuff in it. Need some pizzaz? Sprinkle cinnamon in it.

Action Steps:

1. If you can plan your plane snacks and hydration before traveling it’s more cost efficient and generally better for you.

2. If it comes down to game time food decisions in airports keep within the general strategy of minimizing sugar, maximizing protein, watching the dairy and BIG emphasis on hydration.

3. Avoiding a sugar crash means a more stable mood, providing you with energy and patience you need in an airport (trust me).

What is Mobility, Anyway?

In the beginning I was hyper-focused on training. How can I be consistent with my training and how can I continue to push myself to the next level. I’m good at pushing myself and unfortunately I did some pretty crazy stuff and am lucky I haven’t sustained any serious injuries. In college, I would party all night and jump in a 10k run still drunk and dehydrated and run the entire race. In my mid-twenties in San Diego a fair number of my long distance training runs were hung over as I was insistent on living it up Friday and Saturday night EVERY weekend. At twenty-nine it was like the fifth gear in my engine gave out. If I wanted to improve I’d have to start changing my lifestyle. What I didn’t understand is that coming out of the invincible twenties decade I can no longer neglect my body and expect it to perform. Mobility is a big part of how I care for my body so it will continue to meet strength training demands.

I thought mobility was stretching. Stretching was what we did in gym class before the mile run. We sat on our bums with both legs straight out in front of us until we felt an uncomfortable pull in the backs of our legs hold for 10 seconds then move on. I learned that mobility was a newer school of thought from Kelly Starrett of San Francisco CrossFit and MobilityWOD. He describes it as, “a movement-based integrated full body approach that addresses all elements that limit movement performance including short and tight muscles, soft tissue restriction, joint capsule restriction, motor control problems, joint range of motion dysfunction, and neural dynamic issues. In short, mobilization is a tool to globally address movement and performance problems.”

The simple way I began thinking about this was adding movement to “stretching.” Like in these banded good mornings where you hinge at the hip with legs as straight as possible (without locking out the knees). It works you posterior chain and can be incorporated into a warm up or cool down.

banded good mornings

Photo Credit: Sal Ocampo/CrossFit Humanity

Finding a mobility routine has shown me the benefit of 3 tools: the roller, the lacrosse ball and the resistance band. If you want to see some of my favorites download the free app MoveWell and it has a nice little timer feature to ensure you spend ample time on each side. Also, if you’re at all physically active, invest in a roller, lacrosse ball and band. They will soon become your best friends and are easily packable for travel.

Action Steps:

1. What are some ways you can be gentler on your body? You only get one, folks.

2. Think about health and fitness as a lifelong goal. I want to be active well into my eighties.

3.  If you love training hard how can you care for yourself to gain top performance?

I Lift and I Like It (part 3)

After my first class I felt like I had a coach who was compassionate and heard my needs. I also realized as fit as I thought I was I had no upper body strength. I was unable to pull up my body weight and able to only do two push-ups without putting my knees (insert grade school taunting here: “You do push ups like a girl”). It was then that it dawned on me: If I’m as fit as I think I am, I should be able to pull up my own weight.

I still thought lifting heavy weights with a barbell was unfeminine but decided to join to be able to conquer the body weight movements and gain some upper body strength. Looking back, I think I really joined because I saw one or two super strong fit female members and I wanted to see if I could ever be like them.  My first year I loved going to CrossFit Humanity and taking as many CrossFit classes as I could. Like endurance sport training, I didn’t have to come up with a random gym routine, the programming was all done for me but even better than my endurance sport background was it didn’t over work the same muscle groups. It was also the first time I became aware of my soft core. I ran with a soft core, I swam with a soft core, I biked with a soft core. When a Strength and Conditioning class began I decided to give that a go and found how much I enjoyed the act of lifting a heavy barbell. With each small gain my confidence increased as well as my appetite for a challenge. I was still worried I’d look manly but I noticed the harder I pushed myself the opposite occurred: my waist shrank, my overall body fat decreased significantly and my body shape began to change into that of an athlete: my lats grew, I had visible traps, shapely quads and hamstrings, but I still looked feminine. I was getting compliments from my family and at almost 30 years old was kicking myself for not lifting weights sooner. As my confidence grew so did my curiosity for competing. The first team competition I did was a last minute fill in for Pete’s Paleo team. It was at least 80 degrees at La Jolla High School and while we got our butts annihilated, I loved being a contributing member of a team putting in work.

Last year, a power lifting coach, Sal Ocampo, joined our gym and was training three girls for a November lifting meet. Three weeks prior to the meet one of the girls couldn’t do it and the coach asked me to take her place. I was thrilled to be exposed to power lifting. At this meet I saw all sorts of female body types and was stunned to see some of the most petite girls moving huge amounts of weight. Since then, I’ve trained seriously for and competed in 2 more powerlifting meets and an Olympic weightlifting meet. I currently deadlift 290 lbs, back squat 240 lbs and bench press 133 lbs. I am 5’4” and weigh 133 lbs. Not only am I the leanest I’ve ever been but the byproduct of all of this lifting has been an exponential growth in confidence: the way I carry myself, the way I own a space when I walk in a room, the way I pose for photographs instead of hiding half of my body behind someone else.

CrossFit showed me I was strong and power lifting has taken my fitness journey to a whole new level. Gaining strength has increased my CrossFit abilities. As a personal trainer and CrossFit coach, it is always the top of my list to encourage women to quiet their fears and put the body image thoughts in a time out to just try. You can try with me as your trainer or without me, but please, TRY. You don’t get big from lifting big weight you lose fat and lean out. You get big based on whether or not you have a healthy relationship with food and an understanding of what it means to eat clean. If you love to run or hike or do triathlons don’t give that up but discover how adding weightlifting will make you faster and stronger in whatever sport you play. Still skeptical? Don’t worry, I was too. I believe strong women change the world and if all you need is information and a little encouragement I want to be the one to show you what I’ve discovered because I’m never looking back.

Action Steps:

1) You don’t get big from lifting weights. You get huge from eating crap or a combination of both.

2) Building strength builds confidence. Who doesn’t want a little more of that?

3) Try is a polite way of saying be CONSISTENT with your new training program and give it enough time to take effect. Then decide if it’s right for you.

I Lift and I Like It (part 2)

After doing two more marathons throughout graduate school, I began to question how I was measuring my fitness. I would run for hours thinking. I started reading about the benefits of cross training and decided it would be a challenge to do a triathlon and it would mean incorporating two other disciplines as cross training. I bought a bike and started swimming in a pool to train for my first fall triathlon in Lake Geneva, WI in 2006. I still vividly remember feeling the lake weeds tickle my belly as I swam too close to the shoreline trying scared of getting kicked in the face by an intimidating pack of swimmers.

In 2008, I moved to San Diego and was excited to have arrived at the birth place of the triathlon! I scaled back the running limiting myself to half marathon distances and made it a long term goal to continue with the sprints and complete an Olympic distance triathlon.  One day my best girlfriend took me to try out a free class at her CrossFit gym, CrossFit Humanity. My skepticism soared and I remember asking her, “Is this for ultimate fighters?” “Why do I want to do boot camp stuff and get yelled at?” “I see a lot of guys getting ripped doing it but what do the girls look like?” “Are they huge?”

The gym environment she took me too looked like a playground for adults: Ropes hung from the ceiling, pull up rigs lined the walls and a putting green for sled pushes ran up and down the center. Fitness toys occupied each corner: barbells, kettlebells, and medicine balls to name a few. I feared my exposure to CrossFit would be too intense to enjoy and I believed that lifting weights would make me look heavy. Silly me. Below is one of my very first CrossFit workouts. It’s not apparent what lift I was attempting to accomplish (don’t mind the poor form) but it was a struggle to get 55 lbs overhead and I was sore for almost 5 days post workout.

Action Steps:

1)  If you’re not questioning the definition of fitness you’re probably not as fit as you think you are. Fitness is not all cardio or having visible abs for your instagram. Fitness is three dimensional just like you.

2) Challenge yourself to work new muscle groups. For example, if you are a runner, set a goal to be able to pull up your body weight.

3) Don’t judge a workout routine until you’ve tried it.

The Proposal (part 2)

catalina overview

Two and a half years into our relationship, his business was really taking off and it became clear to me that I needed to encourage him to go back to Chicago to lead his team as well as reassure him that I wasn’t going to go anywhere. I’ll never forget the night before he moved back. We were both scared and in tears hoping for the best outcome but internally preparing for the worst. To our surprise, he was happy to be back in the mix with his team and felt more satisfied on a day to day basis. This in turn, translated to a happier Larry and stronger relationship than either of us could have imagined. We didn’t know we were so strong as a couple and while I’m not a religious person, faith played a big role in it.

As our three year anniversary approached, Larry said he wanted plan a weekend getaway for us and that it was a surprise. Most would think, “Oh maybe I’m getting engaged?” Larry had conditioned this thought right out of me. We had been on trips to Paso Robles, Laguna Beach, Cabo San Lucas, Maui and Big Island. On each one of those I thought to be prepared with nails done and planned dressy outfits. As a little girl I’d always wondered what will I be wearing when I get engaged? So as the three year approached I told myself I was going to enjoy the surprise getaway and not worry about whether or not we were going to get engaged. He flew in on a Thursday morning which was unusual because he usually flies in on the same 7:30 pm arrival flight when he comes for the weekend. But he said he wanted to get his hair cut and run a few errands. I kept asking if he was here early if he wanted to go to lunch near my office but he basically said “Sorry, I’m busy.” I was texting him throughout the day with little response. A little butt hurt, I whined to my friend Arti at work. She said to relax and enjoy. I’m glad I listened.

When I arrived home after work, Larry told me we were taking the puppy and to pack warm weather clothes, a jacket and one nice outfit to go out to a nice dinner on Saturday night. Then he said the first stop was Long Beach to see my mom. I cracked a joke about how that’s just where I thought we were going to spend a romantic weekend away but he said we were taking Frankie there and staying overnight to arrive at our final destination on Friday. Friday morning we said goodbye to Mom and Frankie and it wasn’t until he pulled into Long Beach Harbor that I knew we were going to Catalina for the weekend!

The entire weekend he had everything planned and even a secret itinerary typed out he would refer to but I wasn’t allowed to see. We had coffee and ran in the morning, went zip lining in the afternoon and had drinks by the beach in the evening with a dinner we could easily walk to. I couldn’t believe how much thought he’d put into anticipating what I would like to do and giving us plenty of time to just wander together as well.

wine and cheese

I was particularly enthralled with the fact that our hotel put on a wine and cheese hour every evening from 4-6 pm. I made sure we booked it back to enjoy some people watching with wine in hand. On Saturday night before we headed to our celebratory dinner I put on a classic black dress and heels. As I was curling my hair and humming to myself, Larry asked me if I would like my anniversary gift. I responded with, “There’s more?!?” In that moment a flash of hope that this was a ring popped into my head. And then I held my breath and watched as he pulled out a necklace box. To compensate and mask my disappointment I fawned over the beautiful pearl necklace I had just received.


“Han, it’s okay,” I told myself. “He loves you so much but it’s not happening. That doesn’t mean this weekend isn’t amazing or you’re not loveable. If you feel that way you’re gonna need to go back to the therapist. Don’t let this rain on your enjoyment of being with your favorite person who has done all of this for you.” Then he said, “I got them because I thought you’d look beautiful in them and every woman should own a nice set of pearls.” I goo goo-ed and ga ga-ed over the necklace and came to the conclusion I was relieved the gift anticipation was over. I got a necklace! Whoo! Time to throw back a little more wine.


Action Steps:

1) Sometimes you gotta let your man take the lead and quit trying to be the boss all the time.

2) Decide what food is so enjoyable to you it will be consumed on vacation.  There was a lot of other junk I didn’t eat so I could rock that wine and cheese each night. Trust me.

3) Sometimes you want the ring and you end up with the necklace. Don’t let it spoil your fun!